~ Haiku Game Part VIII ~

If you missed the Haiku definition you can see it by clicking here!
First verse by Dragonfly, next and every other verse by Lady Bleaux.

Lasting, loyal love
Is worth way more than diamonds
Rarer than frog hair

Rarer than frog hair
An honest politician
And trust their word? Ha!

And trust their word? Ha!
Inquiring minds want to know...
If it's the real truth

If it's the real truth
it would scorch politician's
ole smooth talking tongues!

Old smooth talking tongues
Like slippery river rocks...
Dangerous to trust

Dangerous to trust
Yes, snakes and two-timing hearts
Innocents beware!

Innocents beware
The boogieman will get you
If you don't watch out!

If you don't watch out
Hmm, I'm always on my guard
Watch with a wise heart...

Watch with a wise heart
Understand the forces that
Move your boat along

Move your boat along
there's more than one fishing spot
Just take hope and L@@K...

Just take hope and L@@K
For a bright silver lining...
Nothing is all bad

Nothing is all bad
Au Contrarie mon' ami, just
hear the nagging tongue!!

Hear the nagging tongue
Oui mon cher, bien entendu
What else can one say?

What else can one say?
Ohhh, I've plenty left to say!
Read my lips mon 'cher...

Read my lips mon 'cher
I will never raise taxes
Do you believe that?

Do you believe that?
Noooo, just half of what I hear
A discerning ear...

A discerning ear
And a well cultured palate
Civilized knowledge

Civilized knowledge
Oft escapes the ignorant
Revere the teachers

Revere the teacher
Also honor the students
They go together

They go together
And sometimes one and the same!
True love and friendship ...

True love and friendship
Are just like the Holy Grail ..
Sought but seldom found

Sought but seldom found
Searching like a blood hound for
Elusive bargains

Elusive bargains
Are like wet salamanders
Hiding under rocks

Hiding under rocks
And that's just what you should do
When you've been naughty!

When you've been naughty
Hang your little head in shame
Don't do it again

Don't do it again
And I think, oh yes I will
Always the rebel...

Always the rebel
Is the harbinger of change
Like the Robin

Like the Robin
So colorful and cheerful
Inspiring the heart...

Inspiring the heart
Is like exciting the mind
Something will happen

Something will happen
Anticipate where and when
Then a giant...POW

Then a giant...POW
And then the little red balloon
Totally vanished

Totally vanished
All those dreams of ambition
When it's housework time...

When it's housework time...
Minutes become endless days
Days are forever

Days are forever
Missing that special person
Does it ever end?

Does it ever end?
Never in this vale of tears
Memories die hard.

Memories die hard
Ahh, memories of the heart
Some are worth keeping ...

Some are worth keeping
Locked in a very strong cage
Others need freedom

Others need freedom
Just like the air that we breathe
So necessary

So necessary
Are the things we love to hate
They give us balance

They give us balance
In life but not the checkbook!
So bewildering...

So bewildering
Are the quirks of fate and life
Who can predict them?

Who can predict them ...
the ways of human nature
Not even the wise

Not even the wise
Try to understand women
I mean the wise men

I mean the wise men...
Women let men think they're wise
'Cause women are smart!

'Cause women are smart
They understand what men need...
Their companionship

Their companionship
together with sharing hearts
Makes life easier...

Makes life easier
to handle with grace and hope
A cheerful outlook

A cheerful outlook
will always tender the soul
Dispelling darkness...

Dispelling darkness
Is not so hard, if you try
Light a small candle

Light a small candle
The smallest flicker shines hope
along our heart's path...

(Continued HERE)

Barbara LaBarbera
 © 2004 used with permission

& Dragonfly

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