~ Life's Storms ~

Do you ever feel you're in a lifeboat,
Tossed about by the storms of life?
You hang on tight hoping to stay afloat.
For every day is troubled, full of strife.

Do you have the feeling you're all alone??
Lost in the vastness of a frightening sea,
Your once loving heart seems made of stone.
And from this life you just long to be free.

You search for a harbor to take refuge in.
You reach out in vain for a helping hand.
You wonder if it's possible, this battle to win.
And you really need a soft place to land.

They say no more is given than you can take.
You have the ability deep within yourself to fight,
But, so tired, the effort greater than you can make.
Surely, at the end of this tunnel there will be light.

Well prayer is the answer, this you must learn.
There you will find all the strength that you need .
When troubles are many for God you will yearn
For He will guide you if you will allow Him to lead.

The seas will be calmed, the troubles diminished,
The helping hand that you seek given freely to you.
Those overwhelming feelings of despair are finished.
That God is your only salvation you know to be true.

Kate E.
2003 used with permission



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