~ Night's Starry Flight ~

Dark clouds hover the moon
and midnight is coming soon.
Then from my dreams I awake
to ponder how life changes with one's mistakes.

Alone not as a princess in an ivory tower ...
No prince will come for me, in his power.
Forever alone, it seems,
with none to share my dreams.

The night is still and long, onto what can I hold?
Clouds of lonely doom have enveloped my soul.
I will cry no more, for what's the use?
I fling my destiny to the stars, to be free and loose.

I am lifted up by God into this starry fold
my soul's spirit now and forever His to hold,
I glide on air into this starry night
my soul's destiny among the stars now takes flight.

Barbara LaBarbera
 © 2003 used with permission

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