~ Silent Paws ~

His silent paws slip through the night
He is a predator of great might
His stealthy paws travel soft and light
His prey is done with just one bite

His heart knows only one fear
when the two legged one is near
The creature they call man
Many have died by his hand

Over the lands silent paws roams
Open fields and forests are his home
But tonight he is all alone
with only soft whimpers and moans

He saw his mate two days ago
Where she is tonight he does not know
He knows he'll find her somehow
but he's beginning to worry now

Longingly he looks up at the moon
He must find her soon...
He's worried, where can she be...
she's soon to have their family

His search is without end
His loyal heart will never give in
The night is quiet and still
He looks to a near by hill...

There's a familiar scent there
He's close, again he sniffs the air
Yes!  He's found her at last
His silent paws are running fast

He finds an old cave den
He bravely rushes in ...
What does his eyes see?
His mate has had their family!

By their Mother all safely curled up
are four little wolf pups...
He lays down beside her
and nuzzles close in her soft fur

Glittering stars watch from above
Theirs is true loyalty and love
Now their story just begins
A love story without end...

Barbara LaBarbera
 © 2004 used with permission

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