Although he's traded his buckskins for shirt and tie
He still walks proud under Grandfather's sky
Replacing bows and arrows with his skills and mind
He protects the children, elders, and weak of his kind

He goes to war each and every day
but battles in a different way ...
He walks a war path some cannot see
Battling indifference and apathy

He no longer carries tomahawk and lance
He's sometimes dressed in suit coat and pants ...
Fighting environment's smoggy haze
He battles with new methods and ways

Their once carried shield has been replaced
they now carry calculators and brief case
Quivers of arrows are carried in hearts inside
as ancestor's spirits watch and guide ...

Computers and technology replaced his knife
He now battles for Mother earth and a better life
He's determined, brave and honor bound
As he faces each of this battle's round

Today's warrior comes from different tribes and clans
fighting together to save Mother earth's land
As their battle continues fierce and long
Wakan tanka Blesses their spirits strong

He sometimes wears denim jeans of blue
battling to maintain honor, principles and value
His story once told by the paints on his face
is now told by his spirit's heart we embrace

Each day he bravely continues this battle's toils
Principles, honor, and dignity will forever be his spoils
He's the brave warrior of yesterday
Peace warrior of tomorrow
Modern warrior of today,
He fights today's battles in a new way

Barbara LaBarbera
© 2004 used with permission

*Dedicated to today's warriors
And especially to
Red Hawk (Lakota)
Dragonfly (Cherokee Long Hair Clan)
Ernie Smiling Hawk (Mohawk)
Clint Walker (Clints Shy) ~ Cherokee Decent

Bold Tongue (Cherokee)
Bold Tongue's Native American Links Page




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